LCLS Call for PCS Droplet-on-Demand (DoD) Proposals for Run 20
Call for PCS Proposals - Run 20
Linac Coherent Light Source - SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
Deadline: 4:00 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) 22 February 2022
This call is for experiments to run during LCLS Run 20 Experiment X498, currently planned for July 2022
LCLS Call for Droplet-on-Demand (DoD) Protein Crystal Screening (PCS) Proposals, Closing Date: February 22, 2022
We are pleased to announce an additional call for LCLS Protein Crystal Screening (PCS) Proposals. This PCS beamtime is to be awarded during LCLS Run 20 experiment X498, currently planned for July 2022.
The PCS program aims to enable increased access to LCLS beamtime for biological structure determination. All scheduled PCS experiments for this particular call will occur at the MFX instrument using a Droplet-on-Demand (DoD) system. The DoD system is currently in its commissioning phase, so these proposals will be considered User-assisted commissioning of the DoD system at the MFX instrument.
This call will make use of short, 1 hour screening times to assess the quality of different sample preparations, and longer, 3 hour, runs to potentially collect a full data set on samples that run well. A minimum of 200 µL of sample is required to run, and crystals should be < 20 µm on the longest edge. To enable measurements within such a short time frame, and maximize efficiency and the chances of success, these studies must be carried out with limited instrumentation flexibility to minimize the time impact of setup changes. Therefore, mix-and-inject studies, time-resolved studies using optical lasers, and spectroscopy are not within the scope of this PCS beam time.
For full details of this proposal call please see
Questions about the LCLS PCS program should be directed to Chris Kupitz ( For more general information about LCLS, please visit: