Submit New Publication
Tell LCLS about new publications.
Please submit this form to notify LCLS about new publications (related to LCLS experiments, related to LCLS FEL and Accelerator Science, and other staff publications) . We will register these in the database, and this will save you time during future beam time applications.
See the "Acknowledging LCLS and DOE" section for the template text to acknowledge LCLS and DOE Office of Science in your publications and presentations.
If you have multiple publications to submit and find it more convenient sending an attached file, please e-mail the file to
Please note: For staff members requesting OSTI # for Accepted Manuscripts, we need a clean PDF file of the Accepted Manuscript, which cannot be included with this form. So please send that PDF file to with your request for OSTI #.
Publications Process for LCLS Staff
(preprint, accepted manuscript, OSTI#, published papers)