TXI Experimental Methods
X-ray Pump & X-ray Probe
- Nonlinear X-ray Methods - Such as four wave mixing and transient grating methods that can be mapped from the visible spectrum into the X-ray regime.
- Stimulated X-ray Emission Spectroscopy - Such as stimulated Raman or stimulated resonance inelastic X-ray scattering.
- Fourier Transform Inelastic X-ray Scattering - Used in studying phonon dynamics.
- X-ray Pump / X-ray Probe – With beams from two independent undulators, making it unique among FEL facilities.
- Coincidence Catalysis - Where a soft X-ray is used to observer spectral dynamics and a hard X-ray is utilized as a probe.
Coherent Scattering & Imaging
- Coherent/Forward Scattering – High-intensity single shot diffractive imaging such as single particle imaging techniques.
- Small Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS) – Including time resolved SAXS and Fluctuation X-ray scattering mehtods.
- Wide Angle X-ray Scattering (WAXS) & Crystallography – The 2 to 5 keV range enables strong native SAD and MAD phasing of nano-crystals.
Tender X-ray Spectroscopy
- X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS) – Time resolved studies of transition edges of most elements.
- X-ray Emission Spectroscopy (XES) – Including time resolved studies.
TXI Contacts
Andy Aquila
TXI Instrument Lead
(650) 926-2682
Jeff Aldrich
Area Manager
(650) 926-3895
Matt Strader
Project Manager
(650) 926-4592
Ryan Ribson
Associate Scientist
(650) 926-2718
Divya Kameswaran
Controls Engineer
(650) 926-2747
Serge Guillet
Staff Engineer
(650) 926-4771
Nicholas Parry
Staff Engineer
(650) 926-2871