
The combination of exceptionally high flux of monochromatic photons, far exceeding that at current facilities, delivered in the form transform-limited femtosecond X-ray pulses, will make the NEH 2.2 beamline at LCLS-II one with transformational capabilities. It will enable new ways to capture rare chemical events, characterize fluctuating heterogeneous complexes, and reveal quantum phenomena in matter, using chemical, site and orbital-specific resonant techniques that are possible only with X-ray lasers.
This facility will provide access to the soft X-ray regime (250 eV to 1.6 keV) to provide fully coherent X-rays in a uniformly spaced series of pulses with programmable repetition rate and rapidly tunable photon energies.
NEH 2.2 beamline will have two permanent instruments, qRIXS and chemRIXS, and a third location for a roll-up endstation. ChemRIXS instrument is designed to support cutting edge experiments in the fields of chemistry using soft X-rays of the LCLS-II superconducting linac. ChemRIXS is optimized for femtosecond resolution pump-probe experiments from liquid systems. Detectors for X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS), X-ray Emission Spectroscopy (XES) and Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering (RIXS) are available. In-vacuum liquid jets, with the capability of recirculating the sample, are used for sample delivery. High power femtosecond laser systems are providing pump pulses for triggering photoreactions and allow pump wavelenghts from near-IR to UV.
Advisory Panel
- Jinghua Guo - LBNL, ALS
- Andreas Scherz - EuXFEL
- Philippe Wernet - BESSY
- Anders Nilsson - Stockholm U., Stanford
- Steve Kevan - LBNL, ALS
chemRIXS Contacts
Kristjan Kunnus
chemRIXS Instrument Lead
(650) 926-2829
Kayla Ninh
Area Manager
(650) 926-2934
Georgi Dakovski
Lead Scientist
(650) 926-5703
Christina Hampton
Staff Scientist
(650) 926-2081
Giacomo Coslovich
Laser Scientist
(650) 926-5091
Douglas Garratt
Associate Scientist
(650) 926-2968
David J. Hoffman
Associate Scientist
(650) 926-3530
Matt Bain
Associate Laser Scientist
(650) 926-4782
Jyoti Joshi
Staff Engineer
(650) 926-3065
Quentin Yougoubare
Staff Engineer
(650) 926-4128
Raybel Almeida
Associate Engineer
(650) 926-3370
chemRIXS Control Room
(650) 926-7468
chemRIXS Hutch
(650) 926-7943
(650) 926-7947