Chemical Sciences (CHEM)
The Chemical Science department performs research and supports user experiments at the LCLS. We cover diverse scientific areas from elementary photochemical processes in isolated quantum systems to the investigation of active sites in biomolecules. Our activities are structured in two groups, the Bio and Condensed Phase Chemistry group (joint with the Biological Sciences department) and the Gas Phase Photochemistry group (joint with the AMOS department). We currently perform experiments at the CXI, MFX, XCS, XPP, NEH2.2-chemRIXS, TMO, and UED instruments. A more detailed description of our research interests can be found here .
If you are interested in the general opportunities for chemistry provided by the LCLS, please visit the chemistry@LCLS website. Please feel free to reach out to the department head Thomas Wolf, if you have any questions. We are interested in discussing your ideas for future experiment at LCLS or in collaborations on joint projects.