Run 18 Scientific Campaign Proposals
Special Call for LCLS Scientific Campaign Proposals
Beginning with Run 18 (beamtime starting in March 2020), LCLS is introducing a new access channel “Scientific Campaign Proposals” that represents an augmentation of the regular Proposal Review Panel (PRP) proposal process (now referred to as “Regular Proposals”).
Scientific Campaigns are a mechanism to support more extensive research “programs” or campaigns, requiring a series of beamtimes, and targeting specific areas of science where there is great potential scientific impact from some unique capabilities of LCLS. Scientific campaigns are expected to be proposed and conducted by a comprehensive research team of experts (e.g. synthesis, experiment, theory etc.). The scientific scope and impact of the proposed research should be well above a Regular Proposal as described above.
Close partnership with the LCLS facility as evidenced by strong involvement of LCLS/SLAC staff is required for successful Scientific Campaign proposals.
Only a very small number of campaign proposals will be able to be accepted, consistent with <10% of the available beamtime.
For Run 18, as a trial, Scientific Campaigns are solicited in the area of “Structural Dynamics of Complex Matter.” Further details of the targeted science area for this call are provided below.
Submission of a Scientific Campaign proposal requires advanced submission approval from the LCLS Director - based on a brief Letter Of Interest (LOI) to be followed by further discussion with LCLS staff. Scientific Campaign proposals are to be submitted to the User Portal using the proposal template provided below.
Scientific Campaign proposals that are not awarded beamtime as a “campaign” will be automatically considered by the Proposal Review Panel for allocation of a single beamtime in Run 18. For further details regarding Scientific Campaign Proposals, proposal preparation, and review criteria, please see the updated proposal preparation guidelines and proposal review process.
LCLS Contact Information
Discussions with LCLS/SLAC staff should be initiated by contacting the LCLS Hard X-ray Department Head: Sebastien Boutet (
Campaign Proposal Submission Format
The Campaign Proposal document (8-page max., in pdf format) should follow the provided template and be submitted via the User Portal. Submission of a Scientific Campaign proposal requires advanced submission approval from the LCLS Director.
Run 18 Scientific Campaign Target Area
For the Run 18 call for Scientific Campaigns, LCLS is specifically targeting the science area described below. LCLS is seeking proposals in the area of Structural Dynamics in Complex Matter making use of the new LCLS capability to produce >15 keV X-rays.
Science Opportunities/Areas to be considered
- Transient/metastable material phases exploiting the scientific insight enabled by access to large q-range and multiple Bragg peaks (i.e. large q-space volume)
- Structural dynamics of complex matter, e.g.:
- Nano-materials, heterogeneous matter, molecular complexes
- Potentially exploiting time-resolved Pair Distribution Function analysis at the atomic scale
- Stochastic dynamics and fluctuations in matter at the atomic scale, e.g.:
- Potentially exploiting coherent scattering, XPCS, and related methods with reduced radiation damage (>5x reduction compared to 10 keV for Z>40).
- Penetration through dense media (high Z), access operando conditions and unique sample environments, e.g.:
- Dynamic pressure environments, transient fields, extreme temperatures
Motivation for >15 keV:
- Maximize science impact of the unique LCLS capability enabled by the new hard X-ray adjustable-gap undulator (HXU), with extended energy reach up to 25 keV, and vertical polarization.
- Solicit the highest impact science requiring mJ pulses at energies >15 keV and multiple beamtimes for a comprehensive science program